Black Women & COVID – “A Moment In Time”
Corona Virus-19 (Covid-19) became a part of our lives in February 2020. The first weeks were met with cursory views on the World News. Never in our wildest imaginations did we think that what seemed like an “international crisis” would become the United States of America’s worst health pandemic, in over five decades.
Within six months, everything about our lives would be changed. Even the most mundane and basic things about our everyday lives would now become monumental challenges. Simple tasks, i.e. grocery shopping, doctor’s appointments, paying utility bills, even now, remain stacked with new steps that make “business as usual” …a complete misnomer. Nearly impossible to accomplish. Every area of our lives…has been affected by Covid-19. Some of which we as a World, Nation, humans, and Black Women…will never recover. Our lives are forever changed!!!
This campaign, “Black Women and Covid – A Moment In Time” will explore the myriad effects of Covid-19 on Black Women, specifically. We will investigate how the virus has impacted every area of our lives.
As details begin to develop about the virus and more detailed information became available the world began to focus on the impact of Corona Virus on Black women. There has been a multitude of time spent and monies invested into research on the health, socioeconomics, finances, habits and lifestyles of Black women and how these characteristics will or will not contribute to severity of the impact of the virus. Regardless the source of the report summary, the final analysis is consistent.
As we embark on this nine-month virtual journey, we will explore Corona-Virus 19 from its appearance, to this current moment in time, March 2021. We will investigate the timeline of events from virus testing to vaccination. We will discuss the vaccines that are currently available and new drug therapies as they become available.
We will engage with Black women to share how Covid-19 has affected our lives, personally and collectively. Through a series of conversations, town hall meetings, featured guests, discussions about our lived experiences, survey, polls, phone banks and other strategies, we will gather the voices of Black women. We will gather our words from all over, and then we… will tell our own story about how this moment in time has reshape our lives. We will write our own narrative about how living with a national pandemic has indeed changed our lives….but we will describe a story of victory. A story of how we…made it over!
Please join us on this virtual journey through perhaps the most amazing time in history. Examining CoVid-19 and the impact of this national pandemic on the lives of Black Women. Come on and get in the car and take this ride with us.